Head of MASHAV at Global Goals Summit

Head of MASHAV at UN Global Goals Dialog

  •   Speech by Ambassador Gil Haskel – Head of Mashav, Israel
    The Year 2015 will ever be remembered in human history as the year of Sustainable development, the year in which all nations, put aside their differences and came together to adopt a comprehensive achievable development agenda, based on sustainable pillars.


    This is the year in which lessons of the past turned into actions of the future. Israel is proud to have been an active partner in this historic process.


    Probably the most solid pillar of this process has to be the one of equal development opportunities for all, a pillar that makes sure no-one is left behind – especially due to race, color or gender.


    Israel is a strong believer, that reinforcing gender equality and the empowerment of women is an essential requirement in achieving sustainable development. Our experience taught us, that women have the potential to change not only their own economic status but that of their families, communities and countries. Investing in women's and girls' education is one of the most effective ways to reduce poverty. Therefore, providing an enabling environment for them to exercise their rights and make choices in their own lives is crucial.


    It is at the heart of human development.


    Israel widely invests in this field in our global development program, and we call all our partners to do the same.


    History of development activity taught us all, that statements and resolutions are not enough, and only a combination of national policy change, blended with grass root capacity building can bring about real change – this combination is the backbone of Israel's long standing international development cooperation activity worldwide.


    Through MASHAV, Israel's agency for international development cooperation, we have consistently been working towards promoting women empowerment, considering it as a critical component of development policy and planning, and a central key to sustainable development, which can only be achieved when women and men enjoy equal opportunities to reach their potential.


    Unequal opportunities hamper women’s abilities to lift themselves and their siblings from poverty and secure sustainable options to improve their lives.

    Obstacles to women’s economic and political empowerment and violence against women and girls are barriers to sustainable development and to the achievement of human rights, justice and peace.


    Education – be it early childhood or adult education, is, evidently, the most powerful instrument for changing women's position in society.    Investing in women's and girls' education is one of the most effective tools in achieving equality and reducing poverty.


    Based on this motion, the State of Israel, in cooperation with UN-Women assisted in establishing ACTIL - the Africa Centre for Transformative and Inclusive Leadership, in partnership with Kenyatta University, in Nairobi, Kenya and the Mount Carmel International Training Center in Haifa, Israel.   


    The objective of ACTIL is to spread amongst African women the importance of empowerment through the creation of wealth at the household and community levels by transferring high-end agro-technological skills to women entrepreneurs and by that inducing family and community development.


    In addition we are offering our friends and partners our experience and know-how in Innovative women Entrepreneurship, Promotion of Gender Equality through Economic Empowerment, Advancing Early Childhood Education, Gender equality in Local Governance, Sustainable Community Development and Empowerment of Women in national politics.


    Let me reaffirm and strengthen Israel's commitment to continue our efforts to develop innovative and affordable technologies and solutions, and to continue sharing our knowledge and expertise to inspire and support fellow nations, communities and individuals in their struggle to achieve sustainable development and social equality.