Eliminate terrorism

Amit Heumann:Measures to Eliminate Intl. Terrorism

  •   Sixth Committee Speech on Counter Terrorism
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    Mr. Amit Heumann: Eliminating Terrorism Mr. Amit Heumann: Eliminating Terrorism Copyright: Israel at the UN
    Thank you Mr. Chairman.

    In Israel, the threat of terrorism is unfortunately far from theoretical - it is widespread and persistent. This past summer, Israel was once again forced to justly defending its citizens against both rocket attacks and terror tunnels.

    The international community has realized the need for a robust strategy that will contain the threat posed by terrorist groups like ISIS. The same thinking is needed with state sponsors of terror like Iran as they pose a far greater danger to international peace and security.

    Iran’s fingerprints can be found on hundreds of terror campaigns that have taken thousands of innocent lives in Africa, Europe, and Latin America.  In Syria, Iran has sent its Revolutionary Guard forces under the command of Qassem Suleimani to fight alongside Assad’s forces and spent billions sustaining the bloody civil war that has taken almost 200,000 lives.  

    In Lebanon, the Iranian-backed Hezbollah terrorist group has built a militia considerably larger and stronger than the Lebanese Army.  In Gaza, Tehran supplied Hamas with thousands of rockets that were fired into Israel over the summer.

    While Hamas’s immediate goal, as is stated in its Charter, is to destroy Israel, it harbors dangerous ambitions that should concern to every country. Hamas shares the global ambition of other terrorist organizations including ISIS in Iraq, Boko Haram in Nigeria, Al-Shabab in Somalia, Hezbollah in Lebanon, Al-Nusrah in Syria, and the al-Qaeda branches operating in Yemen, India and elsewhere.

    It should be painfully clear that terror knows no borders.  Its victims come from all religions, cultures, and nationalities. Against this backdrop, Israel wishes to reaffirm its strong commitment to counter terrorism and its uncompromising condemnation of terrorism in all its forms and manifestations, irrespective of its motivation.

    Mr. Chairman,

    Israel recognizes and supports the United Nations’ key role in the coordination of all counter terrorism efforts.  In this regard, we were glad to fully engage in the fruitful negotiations earlier this year which concluded with the adoption of the Counter Terrorism Global Strategy. Ensuring that this strategy is relevant and up to date is critical to identifying and addressing the emerging threats that we face.

    In particular, we welcome the call for renewed efforts to implement all four pillars of the strategy in an integrated and balanced manner. We believe that such an implementation is vital to the success of the international community’s counter terrorism efforts.

    Further, Israel welcomes the recent adoption of the Chapter VII Security Council Resolution on Foreign Terrorist Fighters. This resolution offers a strong example of how existing mechanisms, such as those can be utilized to counter new and emerging threats.  Israel was proud to co-sponsor this important resolution and believes that while this resolution constitutes a significant first step, much more must be done to confront the growing numbers of foreign terrorist fighters.

    Mr. Chairman,

    Israel makes enormous efforts to combat terrorism. At the national level, we have matched our commitment to respect the rule of law with our determination to combat terrorism.  As former Israeli Chief Justice, Aharon Barak said, “…a democracy must sometimes fight with one hand tied behind its back. Even so, the democracy has the upper hand.” 

    At the international level, Israel is a party to the core universal instruments on counter terrorism and is a dedicated partner in the global counter-terrorism effort. Israel fully implements Security Council resolution 1373 which constitutes the centerpiece of the UN’s efforts to create a robust counter terrorism regime. It has also adapted its legislation to ensure compliance with Security Council resolution 1267 which established the important Al-Qaeda Sanctions Committee.

    As part of the efforts to assist other member states in their counter-terrorism efforts, Israel shares its vast knowledge and expertise on a range of issues – from terrorism financing to forensic investigation and from aviation security to border protection.

    Mr. Chairman,

    While many important counter terrorism instruments have been developed over the years, there is a great deal more that must be done. In this regard, Israel reiterates its support for a Comprehensive Convention on International Terrorism – beginning with a clear definition of terrorism that includes all its forms and manifestations.  The failure to do so would compromise our ability to effectively combat terrorism and serve as a de facto victory for terrorism.  The message from this Chamber must be clear - there is no cause or grievance that justifies terrorism.  

    Terrorism and radical extremism are a threat to us all and it is a battle that we cannot afford to lose.  As Winston Churchill said, “Victory in spite of all terror, victory however long and hard the road may be; for without victory, there is no survival.

    Thank you, Mr. Chairman.