
Amb. Israeli's Statement- Durban Resolution

  •   Ambassador Israeli on the 3rd Committee Durban Resolution
    Mr. Chairman,

    The Jewish people know the evils of racism all too well. We have been the victims of racism and anti-Semitism for much of our 3,000 year history. For this reason, Israel has always been an outspoken advocate in the fight against racism, racial discrimination, xenophobia and related intolerance.

    Thirteen years ago, Israel joined other countries from around the world in Durban with the expectation that by cooperating, we could combat the plague of racism. We expected, as did many other delegations, that the urgent need to tackle the spread of racism would unite us. We hoped that this imperative would enable the international community to adopt a comprehensive strategy to fight racism in every corner of the world.

    The majority of delegations came to Durban to pursue that goal. But a small group of states had a different objective in mind. Instead of using the conference to fight racism, they sought to defame, demonize, and delegitimize the State of Israel. The Durban conference was hijacked by the same countries that have hijacked so many other international meetings to advance a destructive agenda.

    Mr. Chairman,

    Thirteen ago the majority of countries remained silent while the Durban conference became a vehicle for incitement, racism, anti-Semitism, intolerance and prejudice against the State of Israel.

    Faced with unabashed hatred and hostility, Israel had no choice but to withdraw from the Durban conference in 2001. It was for these reasons that we also did not participate in the 2009 Review Conference and the 2011 High Level Meeting to commemorate the 10th anniversary of the adoption of the DDPA.

    Mr. Chairman,

    We recognize that this resolution contains a number of positive elements.

    For this reason and given the importance that my country attributes to eliminating racism, we resolved to engage in the negotiations on this resolution last year and once again this year.

    We suggested amendments to make the resolution more inclusive and universal, allowing us to create a true consensus around this important issue. We made every effort to demonstrate flexibility and retain some reference to Durban.

    Unfortunately, the DDPA, which has been politicized, remains at the core of this resolution and our amendments which were proposed in good faith were rejected. Hence, Israel cannot join consensus on this resolution.

    Mr. Chairman,

    The Jewish people have fought against racism throughout our history and Israel remains committed to this goal.

    I regret that 13 years after the Durban conference, Member States have not found the political will to rectify the inherent wrongs of the Durban conference and the DDPA.

    For these reasons Israel has no choice but to call for a vote and we will vote against the resolution.

    Thank you.