Amb. Prosor on Achieving Sustainability through Sanctuaries

Amb. Prosor on Achieving Sustainability

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    Israel is committed to focus on oceans in the future deliberations on development Israel is committed to focus on oceans in the future deliberations on development

    Excellency Ban Ki-Moon,


    President Tommy Remengesau,


    Excellencies, Distinguished guests, ladies and gentlemen,


    It is a pleasure to join you today for this important event with our dear friends and colleagues from the Republic of Palau.


    The sustainability of our oceans is of critical concern for all of the world’s citizens.  The health of our oceans is a global issue that demands a global response.


    Thanks to events like this one and partnerships like the Ocean Sanctuary Alliance that bring together scientists and researchers from around the world, we are taking meaningful steps to protect our oceans.


    Today, I am proud to have Israel’s very own Dr. Yossi Loya from Tel Aviv University on hand to contribute to this important initiative. Dr. Loya is an award-winning professor with over four decades of experience devoted to the preservation of the world’s most vulnerable coral reef ecosystems.


    Although we in Israel may not have vast oceans lapping at our shores, we realize that they are the lifeblood of our blue planet. Healthy oceans are not just essential for our environment but are the core of both our economic and social resilience


    Our lives are inextricably connected with the health of our oceans – and so we must be vigilant in preserving and ensuring their sustainability.


    Israel will continue its commitment to keep the focus on oceans in the future deliberations on development


    As a leading pioneer in oceans sanctuary, we recognize the courage and leadership of Palau and its leadership on this important issue.


    As a proud leader in sustainable innovation, Israel is honored to stand alongside our friends in the fight for our oceans survival. 


    The spirit of sustainability has long been a part of the Jewish tradition. Our rabbis teach us that –

    תן דעתך שלא תקלקל ותחריב את עולמי, שאם תקלקל אין מי שיתקן אחריך"

    (קהלת רבה, פרק ז, כח)


    – which means, “Be careful not to spoil or destroy My world – for if you do, there will be nobody after you to repair it.”


    We must pay heed to this warning and join together to protect our one and only world.


    Thank you.