Sen. Stewart J. Greenleaf Supports Israel with Resolution, Visits Consulate

Sen. Greenleaf Supports Israel & Visits Consulate

    ​Sen. Stewart J. Greenleaf Supports Israel with Resolution, Visits Consulate
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    Senator Greenleaf and Consul General Sideman Senator Greenleaf and Consul General Sideman
    ​The Pennsylvania Senate passed Senator Greenleaf's Senate Resolution 342 on October 1, 2012 expressing support for Israel. The resolution stated Israel's right to live in peace and to defend itself and also commended Israel for its mutually beneficial relationships between U.S. and the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.
    Just a few days after the resolution passed, Sen. Greenleaf visited the Consulate to meet with Consul General Yaron Sideman and Deputy Consul General Elad Strohmayer. Consul General Sideman said, "We are very appreciative of Sen. Greenleaf's work in sponsoring this resolution. He is a great friend of Israel, and we do not take our friends for granted."
    "Israel has been our chief ally and friend in the Middle East," said Senator Greenleaf. "They are under increasing threats from Iran and neighboring states in the region and are in need of our support."
    A copy of this resolution will be sent to the U.S. House of Representatives and Senate and to each member of Congress from Pennsylvania and to Ambassador Michael Oren.