Israel responds to the bombings in Boston

Israel responds to the bombings in Boston

    ​President Peres and PM Netanyahu sent their condolences to the victims and their families of the terrorist attack on the Boston marathon.
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    President Shimon Peres President Shimon Peres Copyright: GPO
    President Shimon Peres (GPO archive photo)
    President Shimon Peres, this afternoon (Tuesday, 16 April), at his residence in Jerusalem, hosted a reception for the foreign diplomatic corps in honor of Israel's 65th Independence Day. The reception was attended by Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, the members of the diplomatic corps, and leaders of Israel's faith groups.
    In their remarks, President Peres and PM Netanyahu sent their condolences to the victims and their families of the terrorist attack on the marathon in Boston, expressed Israel's solidarity with the American people and condemned the bombings.
    President Shimon Peres:
    (Communicated by the Office of the President)
    "Permit me to express our solidarity with the bereaved families in Boston today. Three people lost their lives, 140 were wounded and I want to send on behalf of all of us, our condolences to all the families and wish a speedy recovery to all the injured. When it comes to events like this, all of us are one family. We feel a part of the people who paid such a high price. God bless them. Today the real problem is terror and terror is not an extension of policy, their policy is terror, their policy is to threaten. Terrorists divide people, they kill innocent people."
    PM Benjamin Netanyahu:

    (Communicated by the Prime Minister's Media Adviser)
    "Yesterday, a day of enjoyment in Boston was turned into a day of terror. We send our condolences to President Obama, the American people and the bereaved families. On this day and on any day, Israel stands shoulder-to-shoulder with the American people. We are partners in freedom and in seeking a better future for all humanity."