President Rivlin hosts Latin American ambassadors to Israel 11 February 2015

President Rivlin hosts Latin American ambassadors to Israel

    President Rivlin: It is important that we return to negotiations, and arrive at agreements, which are, as always, subject to one key principle – the rule of democracy.
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    President Rivlin with Ambassador of Mexico, Fedrico Salas President Rivlin with Ambassador of Mexico, Fedrico Salas Copyright: GPO/Mark Neiman
    (Communicated by the President's Spokesperson)
    President Reuven Rivlin this morning (Wednesday 11 February 2015), hosted at his residence Ambassadors to Israel from Latin American countries.
    At the beginning of the meeting, the President welcomed the Ambassadors and said he was delighted to welcome them to his residence.  He said, “These are not easy times, when we are across the region, dealing with the threat of terrorism and extremism.  We are seeking a return to dialogue and the negotiating table, instead of unilateral steps.  It is important that we return to negotiations, and arrive at agreements, which are, as always, subject to one key principle – the rule of democracy.  Every treaty or agreement that Israel’s government has brought before the Knesset has been accepted by the power of the majority.”
    The President urged the ambassadors to carry the message to the Palestinian Authority, that unilateral initiatives will not lead to a viable solution.
    The President said, “The common fear we share, is that of economic instability leading to an unstable democracy.  At such times, there is great importance in the strengthening of society in our country, and our commitment to the values of democracy.  These values are key to the security of our citizens. 
    "We are very proud of the strong connection between Israel and the Latin American countries.  This relationship impacts the lives of our peoples in many ways – from economy to security, from hi-tech to agriculture.”
    Speaking on behalf of the delegation of ambassadors was Ambassador of Mexico, Fedrico Salas.  He told the President, “We are greatly honored to have this meeting with you, and will be pleased to continue to hold such meetings in the future.  All of us come from a group of countries with a friendly predisposition toward Israel, and we look to this part of the world with a keen interest, not only to what is happening in the political arena, but also in the strengthening of economic ties, ties of cooperation, ties between our peoples.  I want to assure you, Mr. President, that we will do all we can to promote harmonious living for Israelis and the Palestinians, together, in mutual prosperity, and in security.”