PM Netanyahu: No discrimination against Israeli Arabs 20 Nov 2014

PM Netanyahu: No discrimination against Israeli Arabs

    The vast majority of Israel's Arab citizens are law-abiding and whoever breaks the law - we will take determined and vigorous action against him.
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    PM Benjamin Netanyahu PM Benjamin Netanyahu Copyright: GPO/Haim Zach
    (Communicated by the Prime Minister's Media Adviser)

    Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu issued the following statement today (Thursday, 20 November 2014):
    "There can be no discrimination against Israeli Arabs. We must not generalize about an entire public due to a small and violent minority. The vast majority of Israel's Arab citizens are law-abiding and whoever breaks the law - we will take determined and vigorous action against him.

    In the framework of the draft nationality law that I will submit to the Cabinet on Sunday, we will enshrine the full equality before the law of every citizen regardless of religion, race or sex alongside ensuring Israel's identity as the national state of the Jewish people; there is no contradiction between the two and I will not allow these two basic principles to be undermined."
    * * *
    The Commissioner for Equal Employment Opportunities at the Ministry of Economy, Adv. Tziona Koenig-Yair, wishes to clarify that the Equal Opportunities Law, 5748-1988, clearly prohibits employers from discriminating against their employees on account of their race, ethnic origin or religion. Employment discrimination due to race, whether by terminating employment or accepting for employment, is forbidden by law.
    The Commissioner for Equal Employment Opportunities is entrusted with civil enforcement of all equality in employment laws. The Commissioner for Equal Employment Opportunities stressed this morning that any employer firing an employee due to their being Arab, opens him or herself up to legal proceedings by the employees being discriminated against, and by the Commissioner.
    The Commissioner for Equal Employment Opportunities calls to anyone who feels he or she is being discriminated against in the labor market to apply for legal counsel, and, in appropriate cases, legal representation.