Meet the Jerusalem Open House

Meet the Jerusalem Open House


    The Jerusalem Open House for Pride and Tolerance (JOH) is a leading organization of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer (LGBTQ) people and their allies in the heart of Jerusalem. As a grassroots, activist community center, we provide direct services to all LGBTQ individuals in Jerusalem and its surrounding communities, while working to secure LGBTQ rights in Israeli society at large. With a constituency as diverse as the city itself, the JOH transcends political, ethnic and religious boundaries to build and unite a community in pursuit of the common goal of tolerance and mutual support.The JOH is the founder and organizer of the annual pride parade in Jerusalem.


    Following this year’s attack on the Jerusalem Pride Parade, the JOH community center is functioning as a key meeting point for people – mostly youth – to process the tragic events. Out of respect for the family of Shira Banki z”l that was killed during the parade, the JOH also now serves as an alternative mourning location for the community.
    In response to the attack on the parade, the JOH organized a mass rally in support of tolerance, which was attended by President Rivlin as well as prominent Rabbis. The President spoke strongly at the event – a landmark speech which resonated across Israel and beyond. The JOH is now in the process of planning a large rally in Jerusalem city center to commemorate the 30th day since Shira's death.
    If you would like to learn more about the JOH or help please contact