Local Government Say their Goodbyes to Consul General of Israel Daniel Kutner

Parting With Friends

  •   Local Government Say Their Goodbyes to the Consul General of Israel Daniel Kutner
    ​Outgoing Consul General Daniel Kutner met with both Pennsylvania Governor. Tom Corbett and Philadelphia's Mayor Michael A. Nutter to say goodbye as he left his post in Philadelphia
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    governor corbett and consul general of Israel Daniel kutner governor corbett and consul general of Israel Daniel kutner
    This week, Outgoing Consul General Daniel Kutner met with both Gov. Tom Corbett and Philadelphia's Mayor Michael A. Nutter to say goodbye as he left his post here in Philadelphia to become the Ministry of Foreign Affair's new Deputy Director of the North American Division in Jerusalem.
    Mr. Elad Strohmayer, the new Deputy Consul General, accompanied Mr. Kutner to the meetings to be introduced to the elected officials and their local staff. During the meetings, CG Kutner thanked the elected officials for their friendship and support of Israel and reviewed progress made in area of economic development between the Mid-Atlantic Region and Israel.  