Israeli leaders extend condolences to the American people

Israeli Leaders' Condolences on Newtown Tragedy

    Netanyahu: "I was shocked and horrified by today's savage massacre of innocent children and adults at the Sandy Hook Elementary School in Connecticut."
    Peres: "Our hearts are with the bereaved families of the victims, the mourning community in Newtown, Connecticut and the people of the United States of America."
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  • Letter from President Shimon Peres to US President Barack Obama


    Dear President Obama,

    On behalf of the people of Israel, as friends and as parents, we stand with you today in contemplation and grief over the atrocious, incomprehensible massacre of 20 children and six adults - educators - at Sandy Hook Elementary School.

    No experience with death can be likened to that of a parents’ loss of their child. No crime is more heinous than the killing of a child.

    Our hearts are with the bereaved families of the victims, the mourning community in Newtown, Connecticut and the people of the United States of America. Our thoughts and prayers are with you.

    Shimon Peres
    President of the State of Israel

  • Letter from Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to US President Barack Obama


    Dear President Obama,

    I was shocked and horrified by today's savage massacre of innocent children and adults at the Sandy Hook Elementary School in Connecticut.

    We in Israel have experienced such cruel acts of slaughter and we know the shock and agony they bring.

    I want to express my profound grief, and that of all the people in Israel, to the families that lost their loved ones.

    May you and the American people find the strength to overcome this unspeakable tragedy.

    With my deepest condolences,

    Benjamin Netanyahu,
    Prime Minister of Israel

  • Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's message to the American people following the massacre at the Sandy Hook Elementary School in Connecticut


  • Ambassador Michael Oren on the Tragedy

    ​We are horrified and profoundly saddened to learn of the senseless shooting of students and adults at the Sandy Hook Elementary School. Our thoughts and prayers go out to the victims' families, and to the injured we wish a full and speedy recovery.