Dialogue Through Soup Cans at UPitt Campus

Graffiti, Soup, Israel & Everything Inbetween

    ​Artists 4 Israel strike up a conversation about Israel using Andy Warhol's famous Campbell's Soup in his home town of Pittsburgh
  • Photo By: Sam Mellitz

    Thursday, September 6. Five New York artists unload a car full of spray cans, music equipment and massive wooden boards in the heart of Pittsburgh's University Center- the Union Lawn.

    With the help of UPitt's Panthers for Israel and the local Hillel, Artists 4 Israel managed to attract hundreds of students and passersby and engage them in conversation about Israel.
    The use of Andy Warhol's famous Campbell's Soup Cans generated much of the local community's attention and curiosity, who found the connection between Israel, art and "Pittsburgh's Favorite Son" worthy of a discussion.
    Aharon David, the new Hillel fellow in Pittsburgh, and  Sam Mellitz, a Philadelphia native and president of UPitt's "Panthers for Israel" stepped up to the challenge and facilitated a fruitful dialogue about the geo-political reality in the Middle-East and the peace process between Israel and the Palestinians.
    After painting and engaging students all afternoon, the artists headed to a reception organized by Mrs. Tsipi Gur & artist Susan Sparks at the Eastside Gallery  where they were greeted by 70 local artists. In her introduction of the artists, Sharon Singer, the consulate's Director of Public Affairs and Social Media explained the connection between the question "What is Art?" that was raised by Warhol with his soup cans piece and the many ways to view and approach Israel.