Democrat and Republican delegations Met with the President

US Congress delegations met with the President

    President Rivlin has hosted delegations of Democrat and then Republican members of the United States Congress. The president stated that: "We stand together in a partnership, established on the strong foundations of common values, and a shared vision, deeply rooted in democracy, the values of liberalism, and human rights for each and every citizen. These are not just slogans. The shared values of democracy and equality play a vital part in daily life. For us in Israel we strive, each and every day, to achieve our goal of a state - where the historic traditions and values of the Jewish people, and the individual rights of each and every citizen of this land, are protected and safeguarded."
    "Along with Israelis on all sides of the political spectrum, I am deeply concerned about the recent nuclear deal signed with Iran. Whatever Congress decides, it will be your decision as representatives of the American people. We, as your allies and partners, must make sure that whatever the result of this vote, our strategic alliance stands and grows even stronger."

    11 Congress representative participated in the two delegations: Debbie Dingell, Brad Ashford, John Moolenaar, ​Brenda Lawrence, Mike Bost, David Trott, Rod Blum, Bob Dold, Mike Bishop, Glenn Grothman, Tom Emmer and David Young