Consul General Sidenote 26/2/2016

New Egyptian Amb. - A Sign of Peace and Friendship

    This week President Rivlin received the diplomatic credentials of the new Egyptian Ambassador to Israel, H.E. Mr. Hazem Ahdy Khairat.
    President Rivlin welcomed the Ambassador and said, "I welcome here at the President's house ambassadors from around the world. But it is very special to welcome ambassadors from our close and important neighbors. Egypt is 'Um El Donya,' 'mother of the world' and especially in our region Egypt plays a most important role. We live together in a difficult region. We have found a way to live together in peace and friendship. This is a message to the whole region, and the whole world. The peace agreement between our for both of us, a top priority. We may not agree on everything, but we respect each other and because of this we will build a shared future."
    Ambassador Khairat thanked the President for the warm welcome and said, "We must take responsibility for the benefit of those who live in this region, to bring prosperity, justice, hope and equality."
    In a region fraught with instability and uncertainty, it is encouraging to know that there are islands of stability that gives us cause for hope and optimism. One important such anchor of stability is the peace treaty between Israel and Egypt, and the establishment of full-fledged diplomatic ties between the two countries. It is a peace that has withstood the test of time for nearly 40 years to the benefit of Israel, Egypt and the entire Middle East.