Consul General Sidenote 25/3/2016

Bad Day for BDS

    This week the BDS movement suffered several significant setbacks.  The student government at Ohio State University in Columbus overwhelmingly rejected a boycott, divestment and sanctions (BDS) resolution against Israel. In a compelling letter sent to the student government members by Ohio Congressional Representatives Pat Tiberi, Steve Stivers and Joyce Beatty they explain why “BDS efforts…create divisions on campus and inhibit constructive dialogue” and why “efforts to politically, economically and culturally isolate Israel breed discrimination and hate.”
    Anyone who is committed to a lasting peace in the Middle East should oppose measures promoted by the BDS campaign. These words of wisdom have resonated not only at Ohio State University, but also in the State Houses of Arizona, Florida and Virginia, which this week passed or adopted anti-BDS resolutions. All of this proves that at the end of the day people, countries and organizations that promote a message of hatred and isolation are doomed to fail. Those, like Israel, that promote messages of dialogue, understanding and compromise, are destined to triumph.