Consul General Sidenote 24/6/2016

Israel–US Take Form in Cyber Pact & Strategies

    This week Israel and the US signed an operative cyber defense cooperation agreement. It is an agreement that expresses the vital nature of international integration of forces in order to more effectively deal with joint threats in the cyber sphere. It signals the commitment of the US and Israeli governments to expand and deepen bilateral cooperation in cyber defense. With both Israel and the US being world leaders in Cyber Security, the world stands to be much safer with both countries teaming up to address the threat.
    In keeping with Israel’s place as a global leader in the field, it will be among the first countries in the world to join the Department of Homeland Security’s Automated Indicator Sharing initiative, designed to create an automated platform between governments and companies for the efficient and rapid sharing of information in order to thwart cyber-attacks.
    Also this week, Israel and the US held their Strategic Dialogue in Jerusalem, which afforded an opportunity for both countries, at a senior level, to discuss a variety of issues and perspectives, and evaluate their policy implications for both of our countries. Delegations discussed a full range of security matters, including shared threats, opportunities for regional cooperation. The dialogue underscores the strength of the strategic partnership between the US and Israel, which is based upon shared values and common interests, and a commitment to ensuring Israel's security. Both countries agreed to continue coordination on the full range of issues facing the United States, Israel, and the region.
    I am proud to witness the special relations between Israel and the US manifest itself in such important areas as cyber and regional threats. It is a friendship and a partnership that is destined to continue flourishing to the benefit of Israel, the US, and the entire world.