Consul General Sidenote 15/1/2016

In the Wake of Death, Israelis Celebrate Life

    As I write this week’s Sidenote, hundreds of Israelis including the Mayor of Tel Aviv are gathering on Dizengoff Street at the Simta Bar where two weeks ago two people were murdered in a terrorist attack carried out by an Israeli Arab terrorist. One of those murdered was Alon Bakal, Simta’s manager. To celebrate honor Alon and bar customer Shimon Ruimi, the staff of the Bar decided to throw a party complete with giveaway hats saying I love Simta. As well the staff are wearing tee shirts with Bakal and Rumie on the back and on the front the quote “I love to live” the motto Alon often voiced and was in the last text he sent to his dad. To the great joy of the folks at Simta several hundred people came to declare “There is love in us and IT will win”. This is Tel Avivans – this is Israel – a people whose one simple message is encapsulated in a single word: Life.  Counter this celebration of life with the glorifications of the terrorist murder by Palestinian officials, and you will quickly understand why a peaceful resolution of the Israeli – Palestinian conflict is so elusive. It is only when Palestinians celebrate life instead of glorifying death that peace will stand a chance. Until then, the celebration going on in Tel Aviv, at this moment, is proof that, come what may, Israelis will never be defeated or deterred by terror.