Consul General Sidenote 13/11/2015

A Testament to the Strength of Israel – US Ties

    The true test of a strong and sustainable relationship, whether it is between people or between nations, is its ability to withstand occasional tensions and disagreements that are bound to surface. This week's meeting between Prime Minister Netanyahu and President Obama was a testament to the strength of Israel – U.S. relations. The stark, and, at the same time, legitimate disagreements between Israel and the U.S. leading up to the nuclear agreement with Iran did not erode this special relationship between our two countries. The edifices of those relations are solid pillars of shared values and common interests. If anything, it is the deep roots of our special relationship that enable us to display our disagreements without compromising this bond. 
    In their meeting, Netanyahu and Obama discussed ways in which to strengthen Israel's capabilities in the framework of a 10 year Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between our countries.  In light of a shared understanding of the rapidly changing nature of the Middle East and a new theatre of threats, it is a challenge to both Israel and the U.S.  
    At the end of the day, Israel has no better friend and ally than the U.S. and the U.S. has no better friend and ally than Israel. It is a friendship that is supported by a strong, solid foundation and an alliance second to none; a rapport that is critical to securing the national interests of both of our countries. We must never lose sight of that and should continue on a daily basis and on every level possible to continue cultivating and fostering the very special relations between Israel and the U.S.