Consul General Sidenote 04/12/2015

Israel's Tech Service of Global Climate Solutions

    This week the international Climate Change conference was held in Paris. Prime Minister Netanyahu joined the conference to represent Israel.
    Climate change is one of the most significant global security challenges the world faces today as the world faces an alarming list of climate and resource-scarcity challenges, that are expected to intensify in the coming decades. Israel is fully committed  to addressing those challenges.
    Those challenges cannot be met by any country acting unilaterally, but rather require international cooperation where all countries commit to meeting mutually-agreed goals and standards and each country bring its assets which can help mitigate the problem.
    Israel’s clear added value in that respect lies in it being in the forefront of global technology,  ranked  number one in the Global Clean-Tech Innovation Index. Israel’s technology gives all of us the ability to make great strides and help the world become a better, safer and cleaner place.
    Here are but a few examples of how Israeli technology helps the world confront Climate change challenges: Israel it is a world leader in making the use of water more efficient and is the number one recycler of water in the world; It has the highest ratio of water efficiency in the world thanks to innovative technologies like drip irrigation; Israel is a pioneer in solar energy; Israel is developing state-of-the-art techniques to increase crop yields and to make desert agriculture possible, optimizing  use of water and energy.
    The key to meeting climate change challenges is optimization of use of resources. Israel knows how to do that exceptionally well. In its 67 years of independence Israel’s rainfall has almost halved, while its population has grown ten times and it’s GDP per capita has grown forty times. Yet, in spite of that – Israel today has no water problems. We have learned to do more with less and through  
    technological innovation are successfully coping with the challenge, faced globally, of shrinking resources for growing populations.
    Israel is a small country with big Ideas. It is eager to continue sharing its technology with the world in the service of global peace and prosperity.