Artist Colonies in Israel

Artist Colonies in Israel

  •   Israel's artist are the storytellers of the nation be it through dance, literature, the visual arts. One way to explore and learn about Israel is by spending time with its artists.
    ​Israel's artist are the storytellers of the nation be it through dance, literature, the visual arts. One way to explore and learn about Israel is by spending time with its artists.
    Israel's artist are the storytellers of the nation be it through dance, literature, the visual arts. One way to explore and learn about Israel is by spending time with its artists. Two wonderful locations for this artistic lens into the heart of Israel are the Artist colonies in Safed , Ein Hod and Jerusalem
    Each of these artist communities has its own unique atmosphere, reflecting on and by its location; Safed embodies the place of Kabblah (Judaism's mystical tradition); Ein Hod in the heart of the Carmel Forest is a beautiful village where most of the artist studios/galleries are in their homes,  and Jerusalem's Hutzot Hayotzer spring forth in the valley between the Old City and David's Tower and is the artistic home of many of Israel's leading artists. Three wonderful places to visit and enter into Israel's stories through a very special lens.