New Education center

New Education Center

  •   New Education Center in association with Oscar Foundation & MASHAV
    On December 17, 2020, a new education center was launched in the heart of one of the slams neighborhoods in Mumbai. We partnered with Oscar Foundation, which works to strengthen education and sports among youth in slums.

    With the support of MASHAV, we equipped the center with computers, furniture, and sanitary equipment.

    The event was attended by the children, their parents, city council member Anjali Naik who serves as head of the Mumbai municipality's education committee, as well as the head of the community administration and the neighborhood police chief.

    The launch event was published on the digital pages of the Oscar Center and received extensive media coverage by the Free Press Journal, newspapers in Marathi (Lokmat, Tarun Bharat) and reviewed and filmed by the new editions of Jay Maharashtra and Zee4Tass