

    • The Megiddo Exhibition

      Megiddo is described as "the jewel in the crown of biblical archaeology". Visit Israel this summer and join the dig at this fascinating site.
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    • The Temple Mount, Jews and Debate

      Rony Yedidia-Clein, Minister for Public Diplomacy, explores the Jewish tradition of debate, and its application to modern Israeli society.
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    • Yitzhak Navon passes away

      Yitzhak Navon, Fifth President of the State of Israel, passed away on Saturday 9th November. The Embassy of Israel will be opening a book of condolences. Should you wish to sign please emai ...
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    • Wave of Terror in Israel

      The current wave of terror in Israel has been ongoing since Rosh Hashannah (Jewish New Year). We hope and pray that the list below does not get added to, and the victims remain in our praye ...
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    • PM Netanyahu Meets with British PM David Cameron

      Following is an excerpt from Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's remarks this morning (Thursday, 10 September 2015), at the start of his meeting in London with British Prime Minister David ...
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