The Importance of International Trade

The Importance of International Trade

    ​Today, international trade remains one of the greatest enablers of bilateral partnerships. The opening of domestic markets to international trade contributes to sustainable national development, where welfare is increased, poverty is reduced, and economic stability is enhanced.
    So with the UK potentially in a “20-year generational battle to beef up the economy” (according to UK Cabinet Secretary, Sir Jeremy Heywood), CBS figures for Q1 of 2013 have once again underlined the very real value of Israel’s partnership for the UK, with bilateral trade registering an increase of over 20% for this period.
    Bilateral Trade: Q1 2012 vs Q1 2013
    excluding diamonds and services (Jan-Mar, $ Million, US)
    At the foundation of this trade relationship are clear avenues for collaboration in technology and innovation, with related industries in both countries being recognised as world leaders.
    One current example of Israel’s technological expertise is in the arena of mobile-apps. With its reputation and prominence continually increasing, Israel’s mobile-app industry has become highly-prized throughout the world, with Israeli companies being behind many of the most successful apps in use by consumers today.
    The most recent Israeli-app to hit the headlines is of course Waze, who Google have acquired for over $1 billion. Furthermore, as part of the agreement, Waze will retain its independent identity both as a company and as a brand, and its research and development centre will remain in Israel.
    More examples of some of Israel’s leading mobile-apps can be found in our new Sector Spotlight. However, this list of thirty apps is just a small snippet of what Israel is currently producing. These apps and so many more will proudly be on display in Israel, from 2-4 December, at the Israel Mobile Apps Investors Summit 2013. Here, the aim will be to introduce the most innovative, creative and promising Israeli mobile solutions to private angels, VCs and other strategic partners
    For more information on this or on any other aspect of our activities, please do not hesitate to get in touch with the team here at the Trade and Economic Office in London.
    Noah Shani
    Minister, Trade & Economic Affairs
    Embassy of Israel, London