Press Release
  • Press Releases

      Spokesperson’s response to West Dunbartonshire

      On West Dunbartonshire Council’s decision to ban new Israeli-authored or Israeli-printed books from its libraries [...]
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      Mary Byrne marks 100 years of the Kibbutz

      To mark the 100th anniversary of the Kibbutz movement, the Israeli Embassy organised a reunion party on Sunday evening for former volunteers.
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      HE Ron Prosor on the death of David Cairns MP

      “The death of David Cairns is a great loss for us all. David was a proud friend of the Israeli people, who stood staunchly by our side, never taking the easy way out [...]"
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      Attorney Yitzhak Molcho, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s personal envoy to the negotiations with the Palestinians, will on Tuesday, 3.1.12, leave for Amman in order to attend a meeting of the Quartet.
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