Press Release
  • Press Releases

      Letter from Israel’s Ambassador to the UN

      Please see this link for the letter sent by Israel’s Ambassador to the United Nations, in response to the firing from Lebanese forces towards IDF soldiers situated South of the Blue Line, a clear violation of Security Council Resolution 1701.
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      Israel and South Sudan

      The Government of the State of Israel and the Government of the Republic of South Sudan, Guided by the principles and purposes of the Charter of the United Nations and the Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations of 1963 [...]
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      Spokesperson’s letter to Guardian

      The conclusion from Harriet Sherwood’s “fact-finding mission” (Troubled waters: Palestinian fishermen caught in Israel gunboat policing net, 25 July) is clear.
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      UN Amb Prosor addresses Security Council

      Unilateral actions will not bring peace to our region. Like a false idol, the Palestinian initiatives at the United Nations may be superficially attractive to some.
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      Cabinet Approves Construction

      The Cabinet yesterday approved the construction of a new international airport at Timna.
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