Press Release
  • Press Releases

      Prime Minister’s Office: IAEA Report on Iran

      “The IAEA report corroborates the position of the international community, and of Israel, that Iran is developing nuclear weapons [...]"
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      UNESCO vote harms chances for peace negotiation

      PM Netanyahu’s remarks

      One of the principal and most complicated missions which I set my heart to was to bring our abducted soldier Gilad Shalit back home, alive and well.
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      Head of Opposition in Israel Tzipi Livni in the UK

      ​“This visit by the Leader of the Opposition in the Israeli parliament marks the end of a long, absurd period in which the vital dialogue between Israel and the UK was obstructed [...]"
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      Israel Welcomes Quartet Call for Direct Negotiatio

      Israel welcomes the Quartet’s call for direct negotiations between the parties without preconditions, as called for by both President Obama and Prime Minister Netanyahu.
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