Prime Minister Netanyahu’s Statement on the General Assembly Resolution

Statement on the General Assembly Resolution

  •   Prime Minister Netanyahu’s Statement on the General Assembly Resolution
    ​Following is a statement delivered today (Nov. 29) by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu at the Begin Heritage Centre:
    Israel is prepared to live in peace with a Palestinian state, but for peace to endure, Israel’s security must be protected. The Palestinians must recognise the Jewish State and they must be prepared to end the conflict with Israel once and for all. None of these vital interests, these vital interests of peace, none of them appear in the resolution that will be put forward before the General Assembly today and that is why Israel cannot accept it. The only way to achieve peace is through agreements that are reached by the parties directly; through valid negotiations between themselves, and not through U.N. resolutions that completely ignore Israel’s vital security and national interests. And because this resolution is so one-sided, it doesn’t advance peace, it pushes it backwards.
    As for the rights of the Jewish people in this land, I have a simple message for those people gathered in the General Assembly today: no decision by the U.N. can break the 4000 year-old bond between the people of Israel and the land of Israel.