PA Mufti’s speech at Fatah celebration encourages the killing of Jews

PA Mufti’s speech at Fatah

  •   PA Mufti’s speech at Fatah celebration encourages the killing of Jews
    ​Recently, the Palestinian Authority’s Mufti, Muhammad Hussein, spoke at an event celebrating the 47th anniversary of the founding of Fatah. The Mufti, the Palestinian Authority’s highest religious leader, is appointed by PA President Mahmoud Abbas, who is also the Chairman of Fatah.
    The Mufti voiced this latest instance of hate speech, which calls for killing all the Jews, at an official Fatah celebration. Moreover, the Mufti did not distance himself from a statement made by the moderator who introduced him, which called the war with the Jews a religious war.
    Following is a transcript of the event, excerpted from PA TV (Fatah) by Palestinian Media Watch, 9 January 2012:
    Moderator at Fatah ceremony:
    “Our war with the descendants of the apes and pigs (i.e., the Jews) is a war of religion and faith.”
    “Long Live Fatah! [I invite you,] our honorable Sheikh.”
    PA Mufti Muhammad Hussein:
    “47 years ago the [Fatah] revolution started. Which revolution? The modern revolution of the Palestinian people’s history. In fact, Palestine in its entirety is a revolution, since [Caliph] Umar came [to conquer Jerusalem in 637 CE], and continuing today, and until the End of Days.”
    “The reliable Hadith (tradition attributed to Muhammad), [found] in the two reliable collections, Bukhari and Muslim, says:
    “The Hour [of Resurrection] will not come until you fight the Jews.
    The Jew will hide behind stones or trees.
    Then the stones or trees will call:
    ‘Oh Muslim, servant of Allah, there is a Jew behind me, come and kill him.’
    Except the Gharqad tree [which will keep silent].”
    “Therefore it is no wonder that you see Gharqad [trees] surrounding the [Israeli] settlements and colonies…”
    Link to the video recording:
    (Translated by Palestinian Media Watch)