Israel’s response to EU Foreign Affairs Council conclusions

Israel’s response to EU Foreign Affairs Council

  •   Israel’s response to EU Foreign Affairs Council conclusions
    ​The conclusions of the EU Foreign Affairs Council on the Middle East Peace Process include a long list of claims and criticism that are based on a partial, biased and one-sided depiction of realities on the ground. Such a public presentation does not contribute to advance the process.
    Israel is committed to the well-being of the Palestinian population and acts according to all relevant international conventions. In Area C, for instance, 119 projects were authorised in 2011, through continuous dialogue with representatives of countries and other donors, in order insure that planned projects are coordinated and in conformity with local urban master plans and with the law.
    Israel takes note of the EU’s consideration of Israel’s security needs, of the FAC’s call to renew direct negotiations between Israel and the Palestinian Authority, of the condemnation of rocket fire from Gaza, as well as of the concern raised by the FAC regarding the continued Palestinian incitement against Israel.