Swords of Iron

Swords of Iron

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    Swords of iron Swords of iron Copyright: mada-magen david adom

     On Saturday the 7th of October 2023, the terrorist organisation Hamas launched massive rocket fire from the Gaza Strip into Israeli territory, while terrorists infiltrated Israel from a number of different points.

    This is an extensive terrorist attack on the civilian population in Israel in the midst of Simchat Torah, when hundreds of thousands of Israelis were on their way to the synagogues to celebrate with their communities and families.


    As part of the attack, which continues at this moment in full force, the terrorist organization is firing missiles towards cities in the south and center of Israel and towards Jerusalem - indiscriminate fire intended to harm civilian population. During this time, Hamas terrorists have infiltrated Israeli territory in order to harm and murder civilians as much as they can.


    Israeli security forces are working to protect Israeli civilians on all fronts. The IDF will protect Israeli citizens. Hamas and all terrorist organizations will pay heavily for their actions.