Statement on prisoner release 28 Dec 2013

Statement on the release of prisoners

    The Government authorized the release of 26 additional Palestinian prisoners who perpetrated offenses prior to the Oslo accords and have served sentences of 19-28 years.​
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    Israeli Prisons Authority vans carrying Palestinian prisoners due for release, August 2013 Israeli Prisons Authority vans carrying Palestinian prisoners due for release, August 2013 Copyright: Reuters
    (Communicated by the Prime Minister's Media Adviser)

    In the wake of the Government's 28 July 2013 decision to resume the diplomatic process between Israel and the Palestinian Authority and authorize a ministerial team on the release of prisoners during the negotiations, the release of 26 Palestinian prisoners was authorized this evening (Saturday, 28 December 2013).

    All of the released prisoners perpetrated offenses prior to the Oslo accords and have served sentences of 19-28 years. The list of prisoners (in Hebrew) will be published tonight on the Prison Service website. The release of the prisoners will be carried out at least 48 hours after the list is published. At the discussion, it was emphasized that if any of those to be released resume hostile activity they will be returned to serve the remainder of their sentences.