Stanley Lovatt appointed Israel’s first Honorary Consul to Scotland

Stanley Lovatt appointed Honorary Consul

  •   Stanley Lovatt appointed Israel’s first Honorary Consul to Scotland
    ​Links between Scotland and Israel were boosted on the 2nd of June when businessman and communal personality Stanley Lovatt was appointed as Israel’s first honorary consul in Scotland.
    Mr Lovatt, the long-time chairman of JNF KKL Scotland, was officially installed at a reception at Glasgow City Chambers attended by outgoing Israeli Ambassador Ron Prosor and a number of MPs and MSPs.
    His role will be to offer assistance where required to Israelis living in Scotland and to foster links between the countries. “I hope it can only encourage and improve the relationship,” he said. He was “quite chuffed” by the appointment. “I’ve been involved in fundraising for Israel for years but I never expected any reward. This is a lovely thank you.”
    We believe Mr Lovatt to be an enormous asset. Stanley will soar as the embassy’s very own flying Scotsman. Stanley engenders respect wherever he goes and his leadership qualities have been established over many years.