PM Netanyahu Corona Cabinet

PM Netanyahu convenes the Corona Cabinet

  •   The use of (nationwide or local) lockdowns is not off the agenda, but it was decided at this time to postpone their use. The need for lockdowns will be reevaluated in two weeks.
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     Copyright: GPO/Amos Ben Gershom

    National coronavirus project manager Prof. Ronni Gamzu said that the morbidity situation was worrying and that the goal is to significantly lower morbidity by 1 September 2020.
    Prof. Gamzu: "No country with as high a morbidity level as Israel has dealt with morbidity without a lockdown. The Government of Israel is sensitive to the delicate socio-economic situation and the hardships of the public; therefore, it has placed its confidence in me for a path that does not include a full lockdown. It seems that this is the last opportunity for a moderate line. Should morbidity not decline within two weeks, we will be obliged to consider restrictions including the possibility of a local or nationwide lockdown."
    Prof. Gamzu presented the following recommendations for the 'Shield of Israel' and the Health Ministry, which were unanimously adopted by the Corona Cabinet upon the recommendation of Prime Minister Netanyahu:
    * The use of (nationwide or local) lockdowns is not off the agenda, but it was decided at this time to postpone their use in light of the recommendation of Prof. Gamzu and the experts, and with the support of Prime Minister Netanyahu. The need for lockdowns will be reevaluated in two weeks.
    * Approval of policy regarding 'red and orange cities' until 12 August 2020 – 'intensive intervention cities'.
    The new policy for 'red' and 'orange' cities:
    1. A massive and extensive support network and assistance for the population, while providing support under the aegis of the local council.
    2. Improving cutting the chain of infection in these cities by means of operational tools, led by IDF Home Front Command.
    3. Strict adherence to quarantine of the family unit in order to cut inter-family infection and providing assistance to families.
    4. Enforcement and implementation of the current restrictions regarding gatherings.
    5. Management of a flexible network of evacuations while giving local quotas above the actual criteria, under the aegis of IDF Home Front Command and the health maintenance organizations.
    6. Restrictions on the education system – in coordination with the education system.
    7. Increasing assistance from the health maintenance organizations and management of the morbidity by the Health Ministry.
    * Cancellation of the restriction on opening businesses over the weekend (The Cabinet will approve the decision tomorrow.)
    * Cancellation of the restriction on being present in public playgrounds. (The Cabinet will approve the decision tomorrow.)
    * The nationwide restrictions that have been valid up until now will continue. (They are due to expire on Monday but will be renewed in the coming days.)
    * As of 1 September, the 'traffic light plan' for managing the pandemic on a local authorities model according to the outline of the morbidity situation in each city. (The full plan will be presented to the public ahead of the date of its implementation.)
    The Corona Cabinet also authorized the Health Minister, Transportation Minister, Foreign Minister and the National Security Council, in consultation with the relevant ministries, to advance the outline for opening the skies on 16 August, which will be submitted for Corona Cabinet approval forthwith.