PM Bennett’s remarks at the start of the weekly Cabinet meeting

PM Bennett’s remarks

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     Copyright: GPO/Amos Ben Gershom

    Prime Minister Naftali Bennett, today (Sunday, 1 August 2021), at the start of the weekly Cabinet meeting, made the following remarks:
    "Good morning. After three years in which the State of Israel has been working without a budget, the most basic tool for running a country, we are now submitting for Cabinet approval, the 2021 and 2022 budget. This budget invests in the future; it is a budget of growth.
    “We are investing in efficient public transportation, in internet infrastructure and technology, in quality education for our children, and in our soldiers who will be equipped with the best systems in order to deal with, and overcome, our enemies. We are investing in the environment in which our children live and in better government services.
    “This time, the budget is not serving the interests of this or that sector but of the entire State of Israel. This government is free to act on behalf of the general interest. We are reducing bureaucracy and increasing competition, for everyone, but mainly for the weaker sectors. Those who will gain the most from competition and lower prices are the weaker sectors.
    “I know that in this room there is much goodwill and great readiness to pass the budget. I would like to thank Finance Minister Avigdor Liberman for confidently and courageously leading, one can say, an important budget for the State of Israel. Thank you Avigdor.
    “Approving the budget will be a milestone for government stability and ministers' ability to work in their ministries, to realize their plans and to work on behalf of the public.
    “The world recently received a reminder of Iranian aggression, this time on the high seas. The Iranians, who attacked the ship 'Mercer Street' with unmanned aerial vehicles, intended to attack an Israeli target. Instead, their act of piracy led to the deaths of a British citizen and a Romanian citizen. From here, I send condolences to Britain and Romania and, of course, to the families of the victims.
    “I just heard that Iran, in a cowardly manner, is trying to evade responsibility for the event. They are denying this. Then, I determine, with absolute certainty – Iran carried out the attack against the ship. Iran's thuggishness endangers not only Israel, but also harms global interests, namely freedom of navigation and international trade.
    “The intelligence evidence for this exists and we expect the international community will make it clear to the Iranian regime that they have made a serious mistake. In any case, we know how to send a message to Iran in our own way.
    “I would like to thank the people at the Foreign Ministry, especially Foreign Minister Yair Lapid, for their urgent work on this issue throughout the weekend.
    “Regarding the coronavirus, we have begun the third booster vaccination campaign. President Isaac Herzog and opposition leader Netanyahu have already received the booster, and many others will do likewise in the coming days.
    “We are seeing a great many requests from the public to receive the third vaccination. To this end, I update you here today, that Defense Minister Benny Gantz and I have agreed that IDF Home Front Command will rejoin the national effort, effective immediately. From today, we will also see IDF Home Front Command personnel at the various vaccination stations.
    “Our goal is that everybody who wants to get vaccinated should be able to do so.
    “It is hard to exaggerate the importance of the third vaccination. Due to the Delta pandemic, we are seeing a great magnitude of infection around the world. The viral load that verified cases are carrying is immeasurably greater than before. Therefore, simply put, this is a way to save lives. It is simply a way to put a flak jacket on parents and grandparents. People need to go and get vaccinated immediately.
    “We are in a race between the rate of immunization and the rate of infection. We know how to calculate the deceleration time, the braking distance - we hope that we do not have to use the brake, but it can certainly happen if we do not act fast enough. Conversely, if we all join in, we will beat the Delta.
    “I can say that my mother, Mirna, will get vaccinated tomorrow or the day after, Yair [Lapid] told me that his mother as well. So maybe we can connect them. We are expanding it dramatically in order to get ahead.
    “I call on everyone to take Mom and Dad. Now there is the new mitzvah - vaccinate your father and mother.
    “However, at the same time, I want to explain, to both young people and the million who have not yet been vaccinated, it is critical that they go get vaccinated. Young people are being infected on a large scale, although they usually do not suffer much damage, but they bombard adults with viruses, which ultimately, if you bombard enough, infects. Like a flak jacket, it has its limitations. So also the young people who have not yet been vaccinated - go get vaccinated.
    “Last week, after the loss at the Tokyo Olympics, I called judoka Sagi Muki. I wanted to support him precisely when he was less successful, when the competition was not going well.
    “So this weekend the members of the Israeli judo team showed us that true greatness is not to always win, because there really is no such thing, but to rise again after a fall, lift up your head and move forward. And that is exactly what happened. Yesterday, the Israeli judo team did it - together, and it made the hearts of the people joyful once again.
    “On behalf of the Government of Israel, I would like to congratulate them from here on the great honor they have brought us and the great message to every young man and woman, and to every citizen in Israel: Sometimes one fails, the wisdom is to rise up from failure and move forward. You won a medal and we have won for having you among us."