Israeli Aid is Revolutionising Agriculture in India

Israeli Aid Revolutionising Agriculture in India

    The Embassy of Israel is dedicated to engaging with various faith and minority groups in the U.K. Recently, a special link with the Sikh community was established, resulting in the Director of Public Diplomacy, Vivian Aisen, being invited to address the Central Gurdwara (Khalsa Jatha) last Thursday in London.
    The lecture was in regards to the strong bilateral relations between India and Israel, which were established in 1992 and have grown from strength to strength since, thus resulting in the opening of 30 Centers of Excellence in agriculture in 16 out of the 29 Indian States.
    The Centers were opened by Mashav, Israel's Agency for International Development Cooperation (Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs), and provide a sustainable platform for the transfer of Israeli agro-technologies adapted to the local conditions and requirements of the farmers.
    Alongside Vivian, the audience had the pleasure to listen to the witness of Harjinder Powar who visited the India-Israel project last year in Punjab, and offered insight of the Center's work.
    Israel is also sharing its knowledge in other areas such as Education and Health through Mashav courses taking place in Israel and India.
    The importance of the relations between the two countries are beyond the humanitarian aid offered by Israel, and are reflected in several industries including bilateral cooperation in trade, culture, R&D, cinema, space, telecommunication, agriculture, amongst many others.