Israel votes - September 2019

Israel Votes - September 2019

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    President Reuven Rivlin casting his vote for the 22nd Knesset. President Reuven Rivlin casting his vote for the 22nd Knesset. Copyright: GPO/Mark Neiman.
    The Central Elections Committee has published the final unofficial results of the elections for the 22nd Knesset, which were held on 17 September 2019. The official results will be published on Wednesday, the 25th of September 2019, and will be presented to the President of the State of Israel.
    These results are being publicized after the Central Elections Committee reviewed and re-checked them, using various means. With that, these are not the official results.
    These results do not include the results of 14 voting stations, which are currently under investigation because of unusual activity at those stations on Election Day, which may have jeopardized the purity of the elections.
    Voting by numbers:
    Statistically, voter turnout was high, 69.72% - with over 4.45 million of the 6,394,030 eligible voters casting their ballots.

    Total votes: 4,458,167, of which 27,601 were disqualified.

    The number of votes required to pass the minimum threshold of 3.25% was 143,993, leaving a total of 4,430,566 votes to be translated into Knesset seats. The number of votes for each Knesset seat: 35,868. 
    Division of Knesset Seats, including Surplus Votes arrangements:
    Party name: Number of Knesset seats in 22nd Knesset elections
    Blue and White 33
    Likud 31
    Joint List 13
    Shas 9
    Yisrael Beiteinu 8
    United Torah Judaism 8
    Yemina 7
    Labour-Gesher 6
    Democratic Union 5
    TOTAL: 120
    President Reuven Rivlin will begin consultations with the parties elected to the Knesset today (Sunday 22 September 2019) and will then continue in talks with the candidates recommended by the parties to form the government
    The president reached his decision to begin consultations following discussions with the Chairman of the Central Elections Committee, Judge Hanan Melcer, earlier today, and after receiving his consent.  
    After the consultations, which normally last around two days, and in light of the requests he has received from the political system, the president will, if necessary, invite the candidates proposed by the parties during the consultations to form the government for further talks.
    Once he receives the official results of the elections from Judge Melcer on Wednesday 25 September / 22 Elul, the president will consider if a further round of consultations is required.
    As happened in the last elections for the first time, the president has ordered that the meetings with the parties will be broadcast live on all platforms, to ensure transparency for Israeli citizens.