Israel comes to Alpha - Ambassador Taub in conversation with the Revd. Nicky Gumbel

Israel comes to Alpha

  •   Ambassador Taub in conversation with the Revd. Nicky Gumbel
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    Ambassador Taub addressed congregations of several thousand worshippers at the Holy Trinity Brompton Church this week as he joined the Revd. Nicky Gumbel to discuss the Bible, Hebrew and Israel. Revd. Gumbel is the inspiration behind the Alpha Course, an introduction to Christianity that operates in over 150 countries worldwide and has several million alumni.

    Ambassador Taub spoke about the centrality of the Bible for the Jewish people and the miraculous rebirth of the Hebrew language that accompanied the establishment of the State of Israel. He even gave a short lesson in Hebrew to the audience, sharing some of the mysteries behind Hebrew words and letters. Revd. Gumbel and the Ambassador also discussed the importance of family and children in Israel and Jewish life, and the role of memory not just in preserving the past but in guiding us towards the future.

    The Ambassador concluded the interview by ​encouraging the congregation to pursue their study of the Bible in Israel, saying, "to look up from the text and see the hills where these events actually happened is an extraordinarily special experience."