IsraAID Joins International Community Efforts to Assist Christians and Yazidi Fleeing ISIS

IsraAID Joins Efforts to Assist those fleeing ISIS

    October 17, 2014 - The sun rises on another morning in a camp for Internally Displaced People (IDP), and hundreds of newly-arrived Yazidi families begin to line up and await emergency supplies at a make-shift distribution point. 

    Tired and squinting from the never-ending dust-ridden air of the camp, they hold their registration cards - their key to receiving goods, and await the arrival of camp officials from the Development and Modification Center (DMC), and the convoy of emergency supplies, courtesy of IsraAID on the ground.

    As the battle for Kobani rages on, 1,000 to 1,500 of its residents are crossing through Turkey into Iraq every day, joining the more than 1.4 million IDPs and 200,000 refugees already in the Kurdish Region of Iraq (KRI). They are coming with absolutely nothing but the clothes on their backs, and with winter approaching -places in this area get up to 1m of snow and temperatures that drop to -15C - the situation is increasingly desperate. 

    In this camp, nights are already getting quite chilly and with IDPs and refugees making up already one-fifth of the KRI's total population - and nearly 50% of the region's, the Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG) and international organizations are hard pressed to provide new arrivals with even the most basic supplies such as blankets. 

    As morning settles, the convoy arrived in the camp. Distributed by IsraAID and ONEXONE, the trucks are carrying 2,000 blankets and mattresses, and ​enough food 1,015 babies and children under one in this 14,000 strong camp.  The trucks set up and registers are prepared. In a place where so many have so little, order and accountability are key. 

    The morning goes by without incident, and all the blankets and mattresses are given out according to plan. Yet, as the afternoon progresses, storm clouds begin to gather on the horizon. Barely an hour later, strong winds kick up a sand storm, followed by pounding rain, flooding the camp and ripping up tents. The distribution ended successfully and now more than 1,000 families have beds, blankets, and food for the children, but for the nearly 2 Yazidi and Christian million people living in camps and make-shift shelters, and the thousands more still on the road, the night will be long, and winter has not even begun yet.

    In the coming months, IsraAID will continue to support those fleeing ISIS in Iraq, and aims to empower local efforts on the ground.​