H.E. Ambassador Daniel Taub visits Gibraltar

H.E. Ambassador Daniel Taub visits Gibraltar

    It was a busy weekend for HE Ambassador Taub as he headed to Gibraltar. During his visit, the Ambassador met with a number of prominent figures, including parliamentarians, business people and members of the Gibraltar Jewish community.
    Gibraltar is one of the British Overseas Territories, and although it has its own internal leadership, has voted on a number of occasions to remain a British territory with much of its foreign policy, defence and internal security governed by the UK government. As Queen Elizabeth II remains the head of state of Gibraltar, Gibraltar is also a part of HE Ambassador Taub’s remit. He maintains good ties to the territory, and although this is his first visit to the area, he is represented by Honorary Consul David Benaim for day-to-day matters.
    Between 1950 and 1960, tens of thousands of Jews emigrated from Morocco to Israel Via Gibraltar. This operation, coordinated by the Jewish Agency, involved the approval of the British and Gibraltarian Governments, at the highest level, to allow them to enter Gibraltar without any Documentation whatsoever. Every facility was given by the UK and Gibraltar Authorities for the establishment of a large Transit Camp in Gibraltar where all were well looked after until they could fly to Tel Aviv.
    During his visit HE Ambassador Taub met with a number of key figures, including the Queens representative in Gibraltar, HE Vice Admiral Sir Adrian Johns KCB, CBE, ADC, and the Chief Minister, Fabian Picardo. He also met with the leader of the opposition, Mr Daniel Feetham, and with a number of prominent business figures.
    HE Ambassador Taub also said it is always important when visiting any area to meet the decision makers and policy formers and try and share and have an exchange of views on the changing situation in the Middle East, as well as meeting the significant Jewish community.
    On Friday, the Ambassador addressed a large gathering of Professionals from the Gibraltar Finance Centre, where the Guest of Honour was The Hon Gilbert Licudi QC-Minister for Financial Services and Justice. Both the Ambassador and the Minister discussed utilising Gibraltar as a hub for the accessing of Israeli Companies to EU Markets.
    Whilst in Gibraltar the Ambassador also held a press conference where he said that like Gibraltar, Israel is short of natural resources but has a strong creative and entrepreneurial spirit. He said that Gibraltar already had many family links with Israel and he would like to see this develop further in trade partnerships. He went on to describe Gibraltar as both “vibrant and unique”.
    During the trip, the Ambassador even found a moment to take a tour of the Rock of Gibraltar, home to around 300 Barbary Macaques (monkeys), and to learn a little about the history of the Rock.
    The trip itself was a great success, with the start of many well founded relationships being formed during this short trip. Commenting on his time in Gibraltar, the Ambassador said ‘This is my first trip to Gibraltar and I have to say that I have been overwhelmed by the warmth and hospitality of all the Gibraltarians I have met. I am looking forward to a return visit as soon as is possible.’
    Photo Credit: Stuart Gross
    To see more photos of the trip, click here.