Embassy of Israel at Limmud Conference

Embassy of Israel at Limmud Conference

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    Ambassador Taub at Limmud Ambassador Taub at Limmud
    Ambassador Taub Presenting at Limmud 2013
    This week, Israeli diplomats attended Limmud Conference and participated in, and gave a variety of sessions on subjects close to their hearts.

    Ambassador Taub addressed a packed session on the image of Israel in English literature. In the course of the lecture, Ambassador Taub took the audience with him on an extraordinary journey through a wide range of literary texts and characters, stressing both the simplicity and complexity of the Israel-Diaspora relationship.

    The Ambassador also spoke to Teen Limmud and answered questions from a full hall of teenagers about current issues in Israel and the Middle East and his work as ambassador.

    In addition, HE Daniel Taub gave a JDOV talk (the Jewish world’s version of the popular TED talk series): ” My Israel in ten objects”. One of these was a model El Al plane, which he used to illustrate the funny and serious sides of Israel’s major airline.

    Ms Rony Yedidia-Clein, director of Public Diplomacy at the Embassy gave a talk on the importance of Israel for diaspora Jewry. Mr Ismail Khaldi, counsellor for civil society affairs at the Embassy gave an overview of the situation of Bedouins in Israel.

    Moreover, Limmud guests had the opportunity to celebrate their connection with Israel at an exclusive party, thanks to the Israeli House and its co-sponsors. The Israeli House, in partnership with the World Zionist Organization and the Jewish Agency, organised a fantastic event dedicated to  Hebrew language in an all- day celebration to mark 155 years Hebrew birth of Eliezer Ben-Yehuda . Limmud guests  had the chance to discover typical Israeli handcrafted decorative goods, Hebrew group singing and Ethiopian dances. The event ended with an Israeli wireless headphone party!


    Israeli Shlihim enjoying the wireless party with Sharon Buenos, director of the Israeli House

    Photo credit: Ashley Fairfield, Flix’n’Pix Professional Photography & Cinematography