Closer to Israel – Thousands gather to celebrate Israel in Central London

Closer to Israel

  •   Closer to Israel – Thousands gather to celebrate Israel in Central London
    ​Thousands of Israel supporters filled London’s Trafalgar Square on Sunday 2nd June to celebrate Israel’s 65th birthday.
    Thousands of participants representing the diversity of British society were joined by spectators and supporters in Central London for a parade followed by a grand finale of entertainment in Trafalgar Square.
    The celebratory gathering featured guest speakers including Chief Rabbi Lord Sacks and Israel’s Ambassador to the UK HE Daniel Taub. They were joined by Michael Gove MP and other leaders from the political and faith arenas.
    The event highlighted the special nature of the bilateral relationship between the UK and Israel.
    Representing the British Government Michael Gove spoke at the parade saying; “it’s a pleasure to be here among friends and to say to this crowd I’m proud to be a friend of Israel and proud to be a Zionist. Over the last 65 years the Jewish people have built a home and it has been a light among the nations. Israel has thrived against formidable odds to become a safe haven for democracy.”
    Photography by Yakir Zur
    The Chief Rabbi told the crowds: “Israel has not had one day without the fear of war, or terror, or missiles, or worse. Israel has stood firm and brave and strong. Because of Israel the Jewish people walk tall.”
    The huge crowds enjoyed a special live performance by Israeli pop sensation and Eurovision finalist Harel Skaat. The crowds were kept entertained throughout the afternoon by a number of activities including arts and crafts, while refreshments including falafel and other traditional Israeli and Jewish foods were served.
    Photography by Video Shoot Productions
    HE Ambassador Taub reflected on what it means to have Israel; “we see a country in which every day exceeds the wildest dreams of our great-grandparents.” Commenting on the unique relationship between Britain and the UK, Ambassador Taub said, “there are some people trying to drive a wedge between Britain and Israel – the best response is to strengthen our relationship.” You can read the rest of Ambassador Taub’s speech here.
    The celebration drew to a close with the singing of the national anthems of both Israel and Britain.