Ambassador Taub and Greek Ambassador, HE Aristidis Sandis, host Chanukah event

Ambassador Taub and Greek Ambassador

  •   Ambassador Taub and Greek Ambassador, HE Aristidis Sandis, host Chanukah event
    ​On Wednesday evening 21st December (2nd light of Chanukah) HE Daniel Taub along with his Greek counterpart, HE Aristidis C. Sandis, hosted a distinguished list of academics, historians and experts for a roundtable discussion on the interaction between ancient Greek and Jewish cultures. Amongst the guests was the Greek Orthodox Archbishop, Gregorios of Thyateira and Great Britain, as well as Classicists and Jewish scholars from Oxford, Cambridge and Manchester and London.
    Following Chanukah candle-lighting by Ambassador Taub’s children, the Greek Ambassador opened the discussion by giving a brief overview of Greco-Judaic relations throughout history. Professor Mary Beard of Cambridge University painted a picture of Hellenic life after which a lively conversation followed on the influence of Hellenism and, in particular, the Greek language on Judaism, as well as the influences that Judaism had on ancient Greece.
    Ambassador Sandis of Greece pointed out that the Jewish and Greek civilisations were the most long-lived example of two cultures with a continuous connection, noting that this provided a good basis for warm relations between Israel and Greece today. Ambassador Taub emphasised the importance of using dialogue and scholarship to deepen our understanding of our heritage and to build bridges between cultures today.