Ambassador Taub: The Palestinians’ UN ploy is just the latest stalling tactic

Palestinians’ UN ploy is latest stalling tactic

  •   There is no path to statehood for the Palestinians except through negotiation with Israel
    ​Ambassador Taub: The Palestinians’ UN ploy is just the latest stalling tactic. There is no path to statehood for the Palestinians except through negotiation with Israel.
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    Ambassador Taub, Embassy of Israel, London Ambassador Taub, Embassy of Israel, London Copyright: Embassy of Israel
    ​Israelis and Palestinians alike tell the same joke: the Israeli/Palestinian leader asks God: “Lord, will there ever be peace in the Middle East? Will it happen in my lifetime?” God answers: “Yes, of course, there will be peace. But not in my lifetime.”
    Frustration at the failure to reach a negotiated solution of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict creates an understandable thirst for alternative approaches. One such approach is resurfacing at the moment: the Palestinian initiative to achieve unilateral recognition at the United Nations. In yesterday’s Daily Telegraph, the former Palestinian foreign minister, Nabeel Shaath, demanded that “Britain atone for its sins” and support this move. This would be a serious setback for peace.
    Negotiations, to be sure, have not yet resulted in a final agreement. But they have actually produced significant results. In fact, the very institutions and bodies that the Palestinians point to as the basis of their claim to statehood in the UN are themselves the result of face-to-face negotiations between the two sides. Decades of UN General Assembly resolutions, by contrast, have produced nothing. Indeed, more often the UN has driven the two sides apart.
    The current initiative is likely to do the same, but with even more damaging results. While some Palestinian leaders have tried to suggest to the Western media that the initiative is designed to energise or restart the negotiations, their explanations in Arabic are troublingly different. For example, Palestinian chief negotiator Saeb Erekat told the Arab media in recent weeks that the Palestinian plan was to exploit a UN upgrade to commence campaigns against Israel in international forums, including the International Criminal Court and a slew of UN bodies.
    Not only will the current unilateral initiative fail to move the parties closer to peace, but it will undermine what delicate cooperation does exist. The relative stability that the West Bank has witnessed is due in no small part to quiet cooperation between Israeli and Palestinian officials, including in the sensitive fields of intelligence and security. The economic welfare of the Palestinian population also owes much to Israeli efforts, such as the recent transfer of a 300-million-shekel (nearly £50 million) deposit against future tax payments, to ease the liquidity crisis in the Palestinian Authority, and the recent increases in the number of residence and work permits for Palestinians in Israel (to 7,000 and 46,450 respectively).
    It is hard to conceive how such cooperation could survive an initiative which is intended not to end the conflict but, as Mahmoud Abbas himself admitted in a New York Times article last year, to internationalise it.
    The historic narrative presented by Shaath to set out Palestinians’ historic grievance against Britain is rife with error and selective in the extreme. Most revealingly, it makes no reference to any of the international initiatives, from the Peel Commission of 1937 and the Partition resolution of 1947, accepted by the Zionists but roundly rejected by the Arab leaders. This sad dynamic continues today. Over the past 18 months the international community has initiated a series of proposals – put forward variously by the Quartet, Tony Blair, Baroness Ashton and King Abdullah of Jordan – to restart talks between the two sides. Following each of these initiatives, Israel agreed to enter final status negotiations. It was the Palestinians who repeatedly stayed away, with a series of increasingly demanding preconditions.
    The current UN initiative is another in a long line of evasive tactics to avoid coming to the table and making tough choices. As David Cameron clearly put it: “There is no path to statehood except through talks with Israel. So if the Palestinian plan is simply posturing with the UN rather than negotiating with Israel, Britain will never support it.” Anyone who truly cares for real peace should say the same.
    The article can be viewed here on The Telegraph site