A Rosh Hashanah message from Ambassador Taub

A Rosh Hashanah message from Ambassador Taub

    We are coming to the end of an enormously challenging year for Israel and all those who care about her, which many of us will not be sorry to put behind us. Yet amidst the pain of the past summer, we witnessed once again the dignity, courage, and unity of purpose that underpins our people and must now give us strength.

    This was a year in which we witnessed the best of Israeli society and the Jewish people. We saw it in the young men and women of the IDF, who risked and laid down their lives to defend their families and their country. We saw it in the Israelis from across the political spectrum who put aside their differences to stand together for the sake of not only the existence of our state but the ideals we share and the peace we all hope to create. We saw it, too, in the moral clarity and integrity of all our friends in this country and around the world, both Jews and non-Jews, who f ound the resolve to raise their voices and show their solidarity.

    From this tragic year, we must take heart. We must remain confident in the dynamic, creative, and noble society we have built. We must stay true to our pursuit of peace and our resistance to the forces of destruction. Above all, we must hold fast to our vision of an Israel unifying the Jewish people, contributing to the community of nations, and living in harmony with her neighbours.
    Shana Tova,

    Daniel Taub
    Ambassador of Israel to the Court of St. James's