
News and Events

    • HK Legislative Council members visited Israel

      At the invitation of the Consulate General of Israel in Hong Kong and Macau, 9 members of the HKSAR’s Legislative Council visited Israel from 23 to 27 July 2017. 應以色列駐香港總領事館的邀請,香港立法會工商事務委員會 ...
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    • Israel & HK sign air services amendment agreement

      HK's Secretary for Transport & Housing, Prof Anthony Cheung Bing-leung, signed an air services amendment agreement with Israel's Minister of Transport and Road Safety, Mr Israel Katz. 香港​運輸 ...
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    • Israeli David Grossman wins Man Booker Intl Prize

      Israeli writer David Grossman’s novel "A Horse Walks Into a Bar" has won this year’s Man Booker International Prizes. 以色列作家大衛格羅斯曼 (David Grossman) 以作品《A Horse Walks Into a Bar》獲得2017年布克國際獎。
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    • Israel–HK business matching conference

      The Consulate and the Bank of China (Hong Kong) jointly organized the “Israel-Hong Kong Corporate Cross-Border Investment & Trade Matching Conference” 以色列駐香港及澳門總領事館與中國銀行(香港) 合辦「香港.以色列企業跨境投資 ...
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    • President Trump has landed in Israel

      This historic visit to Israel by President Trump, a testament to the two nations' unbreakable bond, offers the opportunity to further strengthen the relationship while promoting stability a ...
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