Israel–HK business matching conference

Israel–HK business matching conference

    To Consulate and the Bank of China (Hong Kong) jointly organized the “Israel-Hong Kong Corporate Cross-Border Investment & Trade Matching Conference”  以色列駐香港及澳門總領事館與中國銀行(香港) 合辦「香港.以色列企業跨境投資與貿易合作洽談會」

    Photo: (from left) Mr Avi Luvton, Senior Director (Asia Pacific Operations) of Israel Innovation Authority, Mr Johnson Chong, Deputy General Manager of Commercial Banking Department, BOCHK, Consul General of Israel Sagi Karni, Mr Stephen Chan Man, General Manager of Institutional Business Department, BOCHK, Prof Daniel M Cheng, Chairman of Federation of Hong Kong Industries, and Mrs Ester Perets Burke, Consul & Head of Economic Mission of Consulate General of Israel in Hong Kong

    右圖:(左起)以色列創新局高級總監 Avi Luvton 先生、中銀香港工商金融部莊芳毅副總經理、以色列駐香港及澳門領事 Sagi Karni 先生、中銀香港機構業務部陳文總經理、香港工業總會主席鄭文聰教授、以色列駐港經濟領事 Ester Perets Burke 女士

    ​To create a platform for Israeli and Hong Kong companies to meet face-to-face, Consulate General of Israel in Hong Kong and the Bank of China (Hong Kong) jointly organized the “Israel-Hong Kong Corporate Cross-Border Investment & Trade Matching Conference” at Hong Kong Science and Technology Parks on May 11, 2017.


    The representatives of the Israeli side are from leading smart manufacturing companies, producing innovative solutions to manufacturing of fabrics, telecommunications, semiconductors, medical device, CNC spindles, chemical, steel electricity, as well as motion control and cloud-based MES systems. 


    Seeing the great potential in China’s manufacturing sector, the Israeli companies are very keen to look for R&D partnership, investors and potential clients in Hong Kong.


    Besides sharing successful start-up stories at the conference, meetings were set up to pair business partnership among the 100 guests from the Mainland of China, Hong Kong and Israel.   

    Photo: One-on-one meetings to pair business partnership between Israeli and Hong Kong companies  以色列企業親臨香港,與香港企業進行一對一、面對面洽談


    These meetings enable Israeli companies to become directly acquainted with local Chinese companies – an invaluable platform for creating opportunities for R&D cooperation, investments and business relationships between Israeli and Chinese entities. These meetings play a significant part in helping Israeli companies gain familiarity with Asian markets, specifically China.


    Consul General Sagi Karni said the maturity and sophistication of science and technological development of Israeli corporates is catching global attention. It was a valuable experience to partner with BOCHK in lining up Hong Kong and Israeli corporates to reach trade cooperation.

    Photo: Consul General of Israel, Mr Sagi Karni, speaking at the conference  以色列總事 Sagi Karni 先生在洽談會上發言


    Mr Stephen Chan Man, General Manager of Institutional Business Department, BOCHK, said the Conference is a constructive cross-border cooperation platform that facilitates corporates from both sides to discover new business model and blossom ideas in financial service. Quadripartite collaboration among banks, governm​ent, corporates, and organizations is a key to successful economic development.


    The conference is supported by Israel Innovation Authority and the Federation of Hong Kong Industries. 



    以色列駐香港及澳門總領事館與中國銀(香港) 合辦「香港.以色列企業跨境投資與貿易合作洽談會」,邀請以色列企業親臨香港,與香港企業進行一對一、面對面洽談。








    以色列領事 Sagi Karni 先生表示,很榮幸有機會與中銀香港合辦是次活動,這是一次很好的經驗,透過一對一、面對面的洽談,讓雙方企業有更深入的溝通和瞭解,促進雙方成功合作機會。

