Israel & HK signs air services amendment agreement

Israel & HK sign air services amendment agreement

    Israel and Hong Kong sign air services amendment agreement
  • (Photo: HKSAR Government)

    On behalf of the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, Hong Kong’s Secretary for Transport and Housing, Prof Anthony Cheung Bing-leung, signed an air services amendment agreement with the Government of the State of Israel in Tel Aviv on June 8, 2017. 


    Representing the Government of the State of Israel to sign the agreement was the Minister of Transport and Road Safety, Mr Israel Katz.


    The amendment agreement and the air services agreement signed in March 1998 provide a legal framework for air links between Hong Kong and Israel, which will promote economic development and cultural exchanges between the two places.


    Prof Cheung said that Israel is an important aviation partner to Hong Kong. Israel is along the corridors of the Belt and Road Initiative. The signing of the amendment agreement marks an important chapter of the bilateral aviation relations between the two places, which will create more opportunities for economic and trade development between Hong Kong and Israel under the Belt and Road Initiative.


    While in Israel, Prof Cheung arrived in Jerusalem on June 9 to visit a company which specialises in the development of transport technology, and to learn more about the city's development.

    Prof Cheung also spoke at the Belt and Road Initiative seminar co-organised by Cathay Pacific Airways and the Hong Kong Trade Development Council, as well as officiated at Cathay Pacific Airways' ceremony to celebrate the launch of direct passenger services between Hong Kong and Tel Aviv.



    香港​運輸及房屋局局長張炳良教授於2017年6月8日代表香港特別行政區政府在以色列特拉維夫與以色列運輸部長 Israel Katz 簽署民用航空運輸修訂協定。







    ​Photo: HKSAR’s Secretary for Transport and Housing, Prof Anthony Cheung Bing-leung (left), and the Israeli Minister of Transport and Road Safety, Mr Israel Katz (right), sign an air services amendment agreement in Tel Aviv, Israel, on June 8.

    圖:運輸及房屋局局長張炳良教授(左)在6月8日在以色列特拉維夫與以色列運輸及道路安全部長Israel Katz(右)簽署民用航空運輸修訂協定。