
News and Articles





    • Pope gets illuminated Genesis

      Avner Moriah presented Pope Benedict XVI with his Illuminated Book of Genesis during a special audience at the Vatican.
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    • Independence Day Address

      The Israeli Embassy to the Holy See celebrated Israel's 64th Independence Day at the German Academy in Villa Massimo on May 15th. Amb. Lewy's address in Italian ...
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    • Jewish-Catholic Commission

      Joint press release of Chief Rabbinate of Israel and the Holy See's Commission for Religious Relations with the Jews (Rome, March ,2012 - Nissan, 5772)
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    • Christians in Iran

      Religious persecution is on the rise. Arrests, torture, death sentences and other means of oppression targetting Christians and converts are aimed at strengthening the Islamic presence.
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    • Indian priests visit Israel

      A high-level Christian delegation from India visited holy sites in Israel, as religious tourism from India is on the rise.
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