
Indian priests visit Israel


    ext.jpgOn Wednesday, February 29th, the Director-General of the Ministry of Tourism Noaz Bar Nir met the most senior Christian delegation ever to visit Israel from India. The delegation members include cardinals, archbishops,bishops and priests from India, including his Eminence Oswald Gracias Cardinal Archbishop of Mumbai and Cardinal Mar George Alencherry, the head of the Syro –Malabor Catholic Church in India.

    During the meeting, the Director-General of the Ministry of Tourism discussed the process of strengthening the ties between Israel and the Christian community in India. In recent years, there has been a considerable increased in the amount of incoming tourism to Israel from India. The great potential of this market has not yet been fulfilled and therefore the Ministry of Tourism continues to work on expanding the ties with the Christian community and the local tourism industry in India.
    The delegation visited Christian sites in Jerusalem and the Galilee and held meetings with Patriarchs and Vatican representatives in Israel.