  • Israel - Holy See Relations

    • Paradise in Jewish and Christian thought and where it is located? an article by Mordechay Lewy from Osservatore Romano - July 8.
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    • A presentation on Israel Vatican relations, by Prof. Raymond Cohen at the Santa Croce conference, June 2012
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    • Israel-Vatican Relations 1948-1973: The Israeli Perspective - A presentation by Dr. Amnon Ramon at the Santa Croce conference on Israel-Vatican relations, June 2012
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    • Cardinal Kurt Koch's John Paul II Lecture on Interreligious Understanding, organised by the John Paul II Center for Interreligious Dialogue at the Angelicum University
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    • Pope Benedict 16 reiterated the importance of Nostra Aetate & the relationship between Christians and Jews when meeting with the Latian American heads of the World Jewish Congress.
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